Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Saltwater and Champagne!

“It never gets easier, you just go faster.”
                                                            -Greg LeMond

Word has gotten back to us that we do not post enough on the blog! The good part of hearing this news is that it was from people who were with us during the trip and therefore shared a piece of the trip with us. That and we told them things that we probably should have been posting here. The bad news is that means there might be people whom we haven’t seen on the trip who are disappointed in our lack of posting and might want to know more.
            The biggest reason we haven’t posted very much or very often is because we didn’t have a keyboard. We tried several times to write on our phones but found it incredibly slow and frustrating to the point where we gave up. Every time we had access to a computer for a reasonable amount of time we have written a post. We have filled up our journals with our experiences and would be excited to share them with you next time we see you!

            Where did you start? How far is it? So where do you sleep? Do you have a stove? How long is it going to take? Most of these questions we can field like a Boston Red Sox shortstop, no sweat. One question, however, seems to always trip us up: what made you decide to do this trip?
            We did not raise money for charity, its not something our dad did, I didn’t even have a bucket list until we were halfway across the country. I think part of the reason we had problems answering that question is because we have different motivations for doing it. Julien refers to our family’s appetite for adventure and Gabe’s AT through-hike as inspiration for a cross-country bike trip. He talks about how he wanted to embark on a grand adventure before entering the real world with Microsoft in the fall. My answer is simple; Julien invited me.

Where did you start?                  Seaside, OR
Where did you finish?                 Kittery, ME
How far did you go?                    3,604 miles
How long did it take you?          53 days (48 days of biking)

How much do your bikes / panniers weigh?      Bike: ?   Panniers: ~40 lbs.

What was your route?    Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

What was your favorite part of the country?      Idaho, Lake Michigan and Erie

How are you still talking to each other?        Yes.
Did you guys fight a lot?        Not really. Just over whose turn it was to do the dishes

- Camil

“I thought of that while riding my bike.”
-Albert Einstein on the Theory of Relativity

P.S. Yes! Julien posted a picture of a video in our last post.... it took me a long time to figure out why it wouldn't play!

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