Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mom's Guest Post

Written by Holley Allen

June 27-July 3 2015

H and J: Spokane to Billings with 1 car and 1 bike. Biked 40-60 miles per day for 6 days with J and C.
J and C: just past Kooskia, ID to Jordan, MO, through Nez Perce country, up the Clearwater River, over Lolo Pass, Missoula, Rogers Pass, Great Falls, Lewistown.

Julien chose to bike cross country after graduating from college. Camil decided to join.

Wow, what to say about kids who are not kids? Who have the physical and mental stamina to bike 85-130 miles day after day, to pedal and hydrate and eat and seek shade and seek air conditioned  cheap calories and pedal some more? Who keep going when it is 108 degrees because they can, because they have set a goal?Who learn from strangers who become friends what life is like in Walla Walla Washington or Sand Springs Montana, population 1, and she is 90! ? Who deal with chafe, sore knees, tooth pain, bike seat butt without complaint but with lots of Ibuprofen?

I say it is a privilege to do your laundry, buy your Spandex and Gatorade powder, bring you Gabe's Jetboil (oops) and learn to use it as we prep your dinner. It is a joy to dip in cool streams after sweating up a storm. It makes me happy to wait in the car, reading Nightengale (good enough to make me cry) as you bike another 10 miles with Jacques-O. And to deliver donuts and ice cold strawberry lemonade. To join you as you check the map for progress, again.

It is an honor to be your Mom and I thank you for allowing us to share in your adventure.

Now pedal home my boys (have you figured out how many pedal revolutions yet?)... And be safe.

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